Tablets…? Where are they?
From 2011 to 2014, there is a trend in the tablets. People thought that instead of buying a smartphone, one can buy a tab and it gives more freedom and better performance. But, the reality is bit different though, people only compared the screen size with the smartphones but they failed to understand the basics behind it. It’s the functionality. That functionality is the foremost driving factor for the technology. Though there are few devices with specs equal to the smartphone, the major difference came from the app store where only apps are designed to function in the large form factor. For example, the Photo sharing app Instagram has not supported the landscape view of their app.
But, contradictory to the fact that Apple Ipad is still in the market is because they got strong support from the 3rd party developers.
When we consider screen sizes, now the smartphones are coming nearly around 5.5” to 6” versions the difference is been reduced. Usually, the tablets had arrived in 7” and 10” versions.So, there is very less gap. This is also an issue from the hardware side though. There are very less prominent players releasing the tablets with better specs.
And nowadays, the gap is very less as there is an increase in the convertibles segment. They are many big players such as Microsoft, with their surface series and now Google also came up with Chrome Os. As the tech giant and father of android itself changed the direction and now supporting the android app in the Chromebooks, now we can expect that the Tablets are dead by 2017. RIP Tablets!!!
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